Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gods Gift of Justice- Hastings Tolkpah Murder Trial

My mom called me yesterday, just that alone would have made my day, but the news was even better!A murder case connected to Liberian secret societies (Devil Bush, which are constantly engaged in human sarcrifice, ritualistic killing, and canabalism for Satan worship) involving a young Christian man who refused to be initiated into the societies finally went throught the courts more than two years after his death.My dad has been working for this case for almost as long and gave up two weeks tracking down and (through miraculous circumstance) enprisoning 5 of the murderers. A murder case related to the Secret Societies has NEVER gone anywhere in Liberian Courts before due to bribing and internal networks.In just the last few weeks the trial took place and 5 men were convicted to life inprisonment! For the Inland Church ( the most indigenous and outspoken church in Liberia against the Secret Societies) this is a victory long waited for- and it's celebration is going on all over the country! My mom told me this has also challenged many other NGO's (Non Government Organizations-ie relief and development organizations) to commit themselves to seeing this justice process through!Liberia is Smiling OH! and me too- I am smiling!

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